Saturday, April 24, 2010

Having pride in your roots

To be a Latino/ Hispanic in the United States always comes with stereotypes and perceptions of belonging to a minority group, but being fluent in English and a citizen definitely helps getting around the country. The problem is that because of repression and discrimination of minority groups, many people of Hispanic origin prefer to hide these origins. I have always been against it and will continue to share my culture and customs for others to learn about what other people are like.

Part of being proud of who I am is being proud of the place you come from. Traditions, languages, history and simply getting others interested in learning about that certain place, in this case, Ecuador (Mi pais = My country).

Below is a video about typical foods of Ecuador, maybe you can start by getting others to try a unique food from your country?

"No Reservations" By Anthony Bourdain:

Yes I am a proud US citizen but am also Ecuadorean. Growing up in an international environment prepared me for studying in a different country. But it was also easy for me to value my origins even more. Going out to the world can be scary, but for those that deal with discriminatory issues due to belonging to a "minority" makes it even harder.

But even then, having a voice as a Latino amidst disaster makes me even prouder of being who I am. One of those reasons is by giving back to those in need. Check out the videos of the "We are the World" made in support of Haiti.

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