Thursday, April 22, 2010

Changing countries

Growing up is part of life, and who you are as a person depends with who you grew up around. I grew up in a third world country where the opportunities for life are not as great as in the US, but does that mean I am less of a person because of identifying myself as a Latina?? Actually it only means I am between two worlds. Literally two worlds between English and Spanish, Latina and American... but really these are just labels. Travelling back and forth always helps a transition much easier, but one thing is visiting a place only for vacation but it's a completely different story actually living in a place that is NOT your hometown.

Leaving friends, family and your hometown is never easy, especially if it means travelling 5000 km or 2600 miles away. Meeting new people, learning new things, and living life are all part of the new journey from moving locations. It is scary at first, but lets face it, everything you don't know about the future can be a little scary. Leaving those you care about behind can be the most difficult part, but what I always repeat to myself: time goes by fast so before you have time to think about missing them or being nostaligic over the lengthy period you won't see them, you'll be seeing them again.

Just remember: communication is easy and technology makes connections easier to make. You don't have to wait months before you receive a letter giving you info on your friend's life, you have Facebook, instant messenger, and Skype. So don't worry about not being able to go out with your old friends all the time, they will always be a part of your life no matter where you go in the world. Real friends don't care where you go, they'll be waiting for you when you get back.

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