Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good vs. Bad

The most exciting part about going someplace new is going back to your roots and hometown. When you are away from home for a long time you appreciate having it when you return. The idea here: something good always comes out of everything you do. For every bad experience there has to be a good outcome, otherwise there would be no point in having lived that. It may sound cliché but it's all part of the balance of life.

When I talk about something "bad" happening it doesn't mean that going to a different country is bad, on the contrary, it gives you the experience you will eventually need for something in your life. I always believe that everything happens for a reason, when something doesn't work out it's because it wasn't meant to be.
Life does go on no matter what happens, the days go by slowly for some, faster for others. But no matter what happens, the day only has 24 hours, which eventually go by relatively quickly. I never thought I would end up where I am today, there was no way of knowing ten years ago I would be graduating from GMU with a major in communication, life just happens and most of it is going along with the flow. Even with each bad moment, there will always be a good outcome because one way or another it will be a lesson that will help some way or another.

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